JoJo is back. Having returned to Anilar from a perilous, but successful mission on the forbidden Blue Planet to uncover the secret of her missing grandfather, Willum Havelok, precocious fourteen year old JoJo is suddenly back in the mundane world of school work and exams. However, if she thinks her life is going to stay normal for long, she’d better think again.
Missing her grandfather and new found cousin, rock band leader Jimmy Green, with whom she formed a unique and powerful connection, she finds solace in the pages of her grandfather’s journal. In it, JoJo discovers a strange photograph and a tantalising clue to follow.
Using her burgeoning gift as a Seer, JoJo ‘picture walks’ into the image where Willum is waiting to tell her an amazing story.
Two thousand years ago, Vemis, the then leader of Anilar, became obsessed with immortality. In his desire to live forever, he created a terrifying weapon, which captured the final spark of a person’s life, their actual heartbeat, condemning the donor to a hideous living death. He called his weapon the Tikari and the fragment of life it removed, the HeartSpark. Forcing those born with the rarest of all gifts, the Healers, to unite the stolen HeartSparks within his own body, Vermis was able to live for hundreds of years. But when the final living Healer was a child, too young to perform the ritual, Vermis took his own HeartSpark and made his Admiralty generals promise to return him to life when the child had come of age.
But the Admiralty betrayed Vermis, burying him and his HeartSpark in a place they believed no one would ever find. Then, they set out to destroy any Healer, thus ensuring Vermis could never return to take away their power. For Willum, the only person alive to know of the Admiralty’s dark secret, meeting JoJo has offered him a chance for justice. As he prepares to bring Jimmy, and his band Applejuice, to the home which abandoned him forty years ago, he sets JoJo the task of finding the HeartSpark of Vermis, so that together they can reveal to the planet the Admiralty’s despicable past and bring their reign to an end. But it won’t be easy.
A new threat has emerged. Rogue Admiralty member Adavan Marx is intent on hunting JoJo down and sealing his own power forever by unveiling a plan to purify every child on Anilar, robbing them of their giftsets and eliminating the Healers threat forever — starting with JoJo.
Manipulated by those she believed she could trust, and with the planet in chaos, JoJo is drawn into a deadly trap and thrust into the deranged world of Adavan Marx. In a truly heart-stopping ride, JoJo and Jimmy will have to fight like never before and battle seemingly insurmountable odds as they set out together, not only to find the HeartSpark, but to stop the self proclaimed first Archos of Anilar, Adavan Marx from destroying the planet’s children.
Copyright 2012 Paul Fredrics